If you read any of my previous listen to posts, you know I’m a huge fan of Norma Jean. I’m a fan of hardcore/metalcore music in general. I would say it’s what I listen to the most. It’s not about being angry or pissed off. It’s mostly a way to keep people from bothering me. They hear the angry music and they think I’m angry. It’s a win-win.
My Second Favorite Norma Jean Song
I was searching for new songs by Norma Jean. I saw they had a new record out. One of the Google Search Results suggested I watch the video for Sword In Mouth, Fire Eyes. I gave it a listen to and I was excited to buy their new record. After reading the track listings, I noticed the song was not listed. I did another Google Search and I saw the song was from a previous record. One that I owned.
I put this song on repeat. If I do that, I usually blog about it. Yeah Yeah!
Norma Jean has a new record! Fuck Yes!
I’ve been waiting for a new Norma Jean record for a while now. Three years to be specific. Three fucking years. Maybe one of the members had a baby. Regardless, it’s here. It’s time to punch holes in the walls people. Let’s fucking rage!