January 1st, or new years day, is the worst day of every year. That’s because we vow to lose weight for our new year’s resolution. At least, it’s in the top 3 new year’s resolutions. Yet we never follow up on that. For the first month, we do a few jumping jacks. We avoid situps because that is the worst excersize ever. We eat a little less and we buy more organic items. Then the SuperBowl hits and we break our new year’s resolution to lose weight. I think there is usually a lack of motivation that tends to lead us towards slacking off. I know that I had a lack of motivation. I had my old gym equipment laying around and I almost sold all of my collection. Then the Wodables Crossfit Website was introduced to me by my good friend John Hawkins.
Motivation By Wodables
It’s easier to say that you’re going to workout instead of actually doing it. We can watch all the movies in the world and still lose that drive. What if there was a daily reminder, sent to you by email, that suggests a workout routine for the equipment that you already have in your home. Sometimes a new purchase can motivate you to get back in the habit of working out. However, the price tag starts to climb as you continue to fuel that motivation by purchasing new equipment. After a while, you realize that your credit card is getting the all the exercise. If that’s the case, allow me to introduce you to Wodables.com.
Wodables is 100% Free
100% free is always good in my book. Especially if it’s something like a flat screen tv. When I clicked on the Wodables Crossfit Website, it was super easy to create a profile. I would say join, but you’re not really joining anything like a meetup group. When you log in, you’re greeted by a few options. That’s one of the first things I noticed. Step One: You enter in your email address and you tell the website when you would like to receive your Wodables email. I choose daily, every time. Just like that, you’re done with step one.
[Tweet “@Wodables will motivate you to workout smarter, daily”]
The final part to Wodables
Sidenote:Comedy is one of my favorite things in life. I think it’s hilarious that you can choose to not receive workout suggestions that involve situps. After all, situps and working out for a new year’s resolution kind of go hand and hand.
The emails from Wodables
If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering what the daily / weekly emails look like. I’m going to be honest with you for a second. They are very simple and I appreciate that. There’s nothing that I dislike more than emails that are image heavy and include a lot of filler content. Wodables gets straight to the point. Here is our logo, here is your suggested workout and here is a small suggestion on where to buy new equipment when you’re ready. That’s it. Simple emails make life easier.
Need a personal trainer? NOPE!
Wodables is not just for the equipment that you have at your home. Yes, that was one of the reasons that the creator started the website. Yet, if you go to a gym, there will be a lot more equipment that you can use. Now, you can log into Wodables and choose even more workout suggestions. Just like that, you hired a personal trainer without having to pay anything. That’s how I’ve been using Wodables. As a personal trainer. Mind Blown!