Shayda is the best. To call her a friend is amazing. I appreciate it Shayda. With Shayda is one of my favorite blogs about food and travel. I’ve had the privilege to dine with Shayda Torabi. In 2015, WordCamp Minneapolis offered me the chance to speak at their event. Arriving at the Tacos and Tequila before party, held by some mutual friends of ours, I had my first chance to dine with Shayda. She was there representing the company she works for, WPEngine. Her job was to interact with attendees of WordCamp events and show them the benefits of WPEngine. At the before party, we were able to talk about what each other have been up to and what is new in our world. We had some amazing tacos and laughed at some of the WordPress jokes that others were making.

We left the before party and went straight to the Speakers dinner. Here is where I had my second chance to dine with Shayda. This time we were eating from an amazing food truck. I do not know the name of it, but I wished I did. They were amazing. Fast forward a bit and a group of speakers ended up at this amazing ice cream shop. All of the speakers went up to the second level and once again, traded stories.
Dine With Shayda – WordCamp Day One
After WordCamp, we all wondered what to do before the after party. We look around and Shayda mentions that she wants to go to this awesome pizza place she has heard of. A group of speakers get together and we head on over. This place is packed. From wall to wall. We ended up eating our pizza’s outside on the curb.
Why is it important that I shared my experiences with you? Because having the chance to dine with Shayda is truly unique. I got to try some new places that I probably wouldn’t of thought about. I learned to open my food horizons and I learned that there is no such thing as a bad place to dine with Shayda.
Shayda Torabi
I first got to meet Shayda Torabi at Prestige Conf in Las Vegas, February 2015.
Shayda is the kind of person that thinks of the big picture. She was in charge of swag for WPEngine. She has recently taken a new position and I know she’s going to be amazing at it. Her cheer is completely contagious. She’s the kind of person that can turn a bad day into the best day in your life. Shayda Torabi is the role model that anyone should look up to. I’ve never heard he say a bad thing about anything. She always finds the good in things. Sometimes you hear about stories like this. You hear that there are these kind of people in the world. I’m lucky to have met her and thankful for her friendship.
About Dine With Shayda
You should Dine With Shayda
I encourage everyone to follow her on Twitter and read her blog. Learn about some new food choices you should be making. It’s going to change your life. My favorite blog post on dine with Shayda is about ice cream.
You can see all of the pictures from the Minneapolis WordCamp event on
Read Her WordPress Story
Shayda wrote this fantastic article called Try Something New. Give it a red and see how she ventured into the WordPress Space.