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I’ll show you how to have a career in WordPress

Russell Aaron has been a WordPress educator, speaker, and community leader for over 15 years. His experience spans real estate, development, support agencies, podcasting, NV hotels and casinos, WordPress hosting, and app development. All powered by WordPress.

Let me tell you why to teach you WordPress.

These core WordPress skills allow you to take true ownership of your site and work for the top WordPress support companies in the community.

Make a backup

Multiple backups are the most important key to WP Pro Support

WordPress Plugins

WordPress Plugins

Install, activate, update and setup popular WordPress plugins

Site Migrations

Migrate your production and staging sites across with ease.


Write helpful notes and custom documentation to help your clients


Going Live

I’ll help you prep for launching your WordPress website.

WordPress responsive design

Responsive Design

Using the right WordPress theme makes all the difference

Whatever you need help doing with WordPress, I can help. Your WordPress site will be taken care of so you can focus on your business and brand.


Man of many talents

Freelance Developer. Creative Director. Full Stack Developer. WP Support Specialist. Backend Developer. Meetup & WordCamp Organizer. Speaker. Teacher. Podcast personality. Social Media Influencer. Downtown Vegas Casino Master of Ceremonies.

Russell Aaron Photo

I’ve worked with the smartest minds in WordPress. I’ve partied with most of them too. At WordCamps, meetup groups and a couple of WP company retreats. Here’s a short story about my journey through WP along with pictures and videos.

WordPress Training Blog Posts

Here are a few of my favorite WordPress articles I’ve written over the years. Each means a lot to me in many ways. You’ll learn something.

I don’t type anymore. A story about voice to text and blogging better over time.

Did you know that your smartphone has a web browser built into it? Did you know that most modern smartphones have a voice to text feature built into the keyboard? That’s right ladies and gentlemen, you can log into your WordPress website and write a new post by using your voice. I’m doing this right now and it is fantastic. I’ve mentioned Voice to Text blogging to the Las Vegas Bloggers group a few times.

Google Built My Website means I’ve spent countless numbers of hours Googling the answer to my WordPress questions. When it’s three in the morning, there’s hardly anyone online to ask a question. Also, The Advanced WordPress Group on Facebook didn’t exist. You can post a question on a support forum. It usually takes a few days to get a response. You can ask people at your local meetup. I highly recommend that. However, meetups are usually once a month. There’s also an agenda planned. So asking your question is hard to do. SO where do you turn? Google?

How to become a better role model quickly

I am trying to become a better role model. Specifically for the Vegas WordPress Meetup Group. I’m lead organizer of the group and one day I realized something. Once a month, I speak in front of a group of WordPressers and they ask me questions. I answer their questions as best as I can. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could actually answer the questions with real advice? That’s why I need to become a better role model. I started writing a post status about Plugins that can help you Theme Your WordPress Dashboard.

Who needs a WordPress theme that’s built specifically for men that watch Football on Saturday and not on Sunday? Someone did because these WordPress Themes exist. How about the Super Specific WordPress Themes that are built for Lawn Services, Lawyers that never win lawsuits, and Pest & Rodent removal companies specifically? Why would a theme be built specifically for those three types of business categories and not other categories? I’m telling you that the Super Specific WordPress Themes are getting out of hand. The problem with all of these Super Specific WordPress

Paid WordPress Themes Worry Me. Here’s Why. You’ll probably agree.

My biggest problem with paid WordPress themes is that you never know if the entire theme is built on sidebars & widgets, a crazy custom options panel, shortcodes or raw HTML. I love looking at live demonstrations of paid WordPress themes. It actually helps me come up with clever new things that I can do with my own WordPress blog. Regardless, I’m always thinking the same thing over and over again after viewing paid WordPress themes. “How is that being done”? That’s my problem. How is it being built? To be fair, it doesn’t really matter how it’s being done.