Have you ever wanted your Las Vegas news to come with a side of sarcasm and honest truth? Have you ever wondered if people are having sex on the High Roller in Las Vegas? Have you ever thought that there was more to a story about Las Vegas and the media decided to leave some information out? Do you want to know what it’s like to have a V.I.P pass to almost everything in Las Vegas? If that’s the case, you must check out Vital Vegas. This blog is dedicated to delivering news, tips, deals and whatever the “eff” they want to write about the city Las Vegas, Nevada. Scott Roeben is a genius when it comes to writing sarcastically informational stories about Las Vegas. How do I know? I’ll tell you. Vital Vegas is the Voice of Las Vegas. Scott is pretty cool too.
Vital Vegas invades WordCamp Vegas
The first time that I met Scott Roeben was at WordCamp Vegas 2014. He was on a panel that was discussing “Taking Your Blog Global“. Scott used to work for this large casino. The name is not important. If you want to really know, ask him about it. His blog posts were being viewed around the world. So he’s the perfect guy to talk about taking your blog global. After his panel discussion, I shook his hand and thanked him for his time. I learned more about what to do with my blog in 40 minutes than I had in 2 years. When you learn from someone that’s actually practicing what they preach, the sky is the limit. Don’t believe me? Ask all 579 members of the Las Vegas Bloggers Meetup. Scott is CO-Organizer of the group and he brings a ton of facts with him. He can show you exactly what he’s talking about and he can show you that he’s doing the same thing on his blog, that he just recommended to you. Ask the members of the Vegas Blogger Meetup how helpful Scott has been and how their blogs have improved. Don’t take my word for it. Better yet, come down to a meeting sometime. This blog that you are reading right now has improved since I started reading Vital Vegas and since I have known Scott Roeben.
My favorite part of Vital Vegas
If you read the Vital Vegas blog, you know that there is a sense of humor and sarcasm, in every post. One of the best posts that can verify all of this would be the one about In-Out-Burger moving to a location on the strip. Once he broke the news, he allowed his readers to gather up their thoughts before continuing to read. See, Scott knows that people freak over In-N-Out. In-N-Out is kind of a big deal here in the Vegas Marketplace. I’ve heard locals say that “In-N-Out is based in Vegas.” I wished that I was kidding. Not only does Scott Roeben know a lot about his Vital Vegas readers, he knows a lot about the other demographics as well. That’s one of my favorite parts about Scott & Vital Vegas. You can ask him a question, and get a solid answer. It’s not just an answer, though. It’s rooted in facts and if you question his facts, you’ll learn very quick that they are from legit sources. Bing is a legit source, right?
Please let us know when you’re done swooning so we can continue.
– Vital Vegas

My other favorite thing about Scott Roeben and Vital Vegas is simple. He’s a lot like me. He’s not blogging to become famous. He’s not blogging because he wants to make millions of dollars. He’s purely into blogging and wants to bring you great content. He doesn’t have to hit a specific word count and he has no mandate. If he wants to blog about something, he doesn’t have to ask permission. He doesn’t have an editor to check in with. He simply blogs about what he knows and apologizes to no one. I admire that about him. When I set off to build this personal blog of mine, I agreed to do the same things. Write when I want, about what I want and apologize only when a gun is held to your head and someone is asking for the Nuclear Missle codes. Even then, you stay strong. Vital Vegas and my blog have a lot in common. OK, a few things at least. Fine. Just the one thing. It’s a pretty awesome one thing. You have to admit that.
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High Roller Sex Story
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know about the couple that had sex on The High Roller. Scott’s blog blew up due to that story because he wrote an amazing blog post on how to have sex on the High Roller..
Listen to Scott Talk
You can listen to Scott Roeben on the Cerrone Show Podcast. It’s just more proof that this guy, and Vital Vegas, know what they are talking about. Head over to the Vital Vegas website and start reading. Join the mailing list and subscribe to receive new blog posts. It’s worth it. Vital Vegas is worth every penny you have in your pocket right now. Oh, it’s 2015? People do online banking now and don’t have pocket change? Well, you get what I’m going for.. Scott has recently started the Vital Vegas Podcast on iTunes. Go listen right now.