Get paid for knowing how WordPress works.
Build a website once. Manage the content forever.
Small business owners often need assistance from experienced WordPress users to handle daily updates on their websites. This typically involves the core basics of WordPress, a page builder, and possibly a few plugins. Nothing too complex. Here’s what I know about small business owners: they just want their websites to work. They aren’t concerned with the technical details—they care about driving traffic and generating leads. That’s where you can come in. After a few sessions with me, you’ll be equipped to help small business owners in your community. Sounds good, right?
When I worked with a Las Vegas-based mortgage company, I had a steady flow of work. As their business grew, so did my responsibilities on the website. I managed everything from emails and Google Analytics to the local intranet WP site, plugin/theme updates, custom plugins, graphic design, and marketing efforts. It was essentially a full-time job, and the best part? It can all be done remotely.
Small business owners need reliable support for their WordPress websites. Unfortunately, there are too many stories of developers who take on projects only to disappear before completing them. It’s frustrating, but it happens often. They make a great sales pitch, take the check, and vanish. But you and I? We don’t operate that way. We can build and support WordPress sites with integrity. Honestly, the hardest part for people like us is simply logging into the WordPress dashboard—it’s that straightforward. Here are a few essential skills you’ll need to start helping small businesses:
Small business owners need reliable support for their WordPress websites. Unfortunately, there are too many stories of developers who take on projects only to disappear before completing them. It’s frustrating, but it happens often. They make a great sales pitch, take the check, and vanish. But you and I? We don’t operate that way. We can build and support WordPress sites with integrity. Honestly, the hardest part for people like us is simply logging into the WordPress dashboard—it’s that straightforward. Here are a few essential skills you’ll need to start helping small businesses:
Making updates to individual pages and blog posts, Refreshing content and updating contact form details, Modifying the homepage slider images, Updating hours of operation in widgets, Reviewing and adjusting website, theme, or plugin settings. It might seem like a lot to do today. After the first6 months, it’s like unwrapping a snickers bar. Simple and fun!
What is a WordPress Power User?
Many business owners are in need of skilled WordPress Power Users to manage daily tasks and enhance their websites. The great part is that these companies will teach you about their specific industry. Once you understand how their business operates, you can apply that knowledge to optimize their WordPress site. That’s exactly how I gained expertise in both mortgages and WordPress.

With countless themes and plugins available, it’s nearly impossible to know how each one interacts with others. However, there’s a key to solving any WordPress issue: understanding how WordPress, themes, and plugins function individually and together. By paying close attention to what changes when a plugin is activated or deactivated, troubleshooting becomes much easier. There are also handy plugins to help with this, and I’ll share all my techniques with you.
A WordPress Power User is someone skilled in using WordPress to manage, maintain, and improve websites. They understand how websites are structured and can troubleshoot, repair, or suggest improvements without needing to write code. Essentially, a WordPress Power User is like a manager for your website—able to identify issues and recommend solutions, whether through self-repair or external support.
Let’s consider a common scenario: a client asks you to restore an events calendar that used to be on the homepage. Where do you start? Should you look at the theme? The WordPress Customizer? Could a plugin have been deactivated or uninstalled? Is there a staging site or backup for reference? Could the homepage template’s code be broken? Asking these questions is the first step towards becoming a true WordPress Power User.
Becoming a WordPress Power User takes time and patience—but the good news is, you can get there. You just need a foundational understanding of how WordPress works, and I’m here to guide you. It might seem overwhelming at first, but learning WordPress doesn’t have to be difficult. I’ll teach you the exact method I used to learn, and guess what? I’m still learning every day, as something new is always on the horizon.
After your first one-on-one session, you’ll feel confident navigating the WordPress dashboard, adjusting settings, and troubleshooting common issues. It’s not rocket science—it’s WordPress. With the right techniques, you’ll be managing sites like a pro in no time. I’ll walk you through my workflow, share my mindset, and help you fix any website glitches (get used to terms like “borked” and “Frankenstein”—many websites are held together with duct tape, no joke!).
Becoming a WordPress Power User takes a little bit of patients and time. Good news is we have both. You’ll need a basic understanding of how WordPress works from the ground up. It does seem scary at first. But there’s an easy way to learning WordPress and I can show you. It’s the exact method I used when I was learning WordPress. Here’s a fun fact. I’m still learning. Everyday something new comes out!
After your first 1 on 1 WP Power User session, you’ll have full confidence in using the WordPress dashboard, navigate settings and check the common area’s first when debugging. This isn’t rocket science. It’s WordPress and there’s a technique to it. I’ll show you my workflow, teach you my mentality and overall, help you fix a borked website. Yeah, get used to saying borked lots. Oh, and Frankenstein. Many sites are put together randomly and with duct tape. Not kidding.
Here’s what I’ll cover to help you become a WordPress Power User:
Configuring Domain DNS records, Choosing Managed WordPress hosting vs. shared hosting, Making proper WordPress backups, Creating a staging website for testing, What to expect when installing a WordPress theme or plugin, Common WordPress errors and how to fix them, Avoiding typical user mistakesProperly contacting 3rd-party support, Setting up essential applications on your computerLinks and resources to further your education, Finding developers for new projects and Effectively communicating with customer support.
For me, debugging a WordPress site is like unwrapping a Snickers—satisfying and straightforward. I work as a WordPress consultant and was previously the only WordPress Technician II at Nexcess, a hosting company. This website and business are my passion projects, where I get to help people and give back to the community. I still make a profit but don’t compete in price wars with “industry standards” or the “WP space.” That’s why I can offer lower pricing while delivering value. I know the worth of my time, and I understand that budgets can be tight. Don’t worry, we’ll make it work.
Click the button below to get started on your journey to becoming a WordPress Power User with me, Russell Aaron—WordPress Support Specialist and Consultant.