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Cute habits and a simply weird confessional

cute habits

In my last cute confessions post, I mentioned that I would pretend to marry animals so they wouldn’t be lonely. Yeah. Hi. I’m Russ. I’m that guy. This is my second cute confession and this time, it was miss Kitty Lusby‘s turn to pick a topic. You see, we’re in a cute confessions war. We’re trying to out-cute each other by blogging. Anything that she wanted was on the table. After a long pause, she happened to pick weird cute habits. Her explanation was very simple. Cute habits and they can be weird. Weird adorable cute habits.

Cute Habits

Have you seen that show that Jimmy Fallon, John Krasinski and Stephen Merchant created one day while filming the office? It’s called lip sync battle. Two celebrities get on stage and fake sing popular songs in front of a live audience. If you haven’t seen it, I’ll give you the chance to jump over to youtube and catch a few minutes of Jimmy Fallon and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I promise it’s awesome.

Have you ever felt like you created something way before it was popular? I don’t want to brag, but I’ve been lip syncing, alone in my house and apartment, for years. I do not know a date off hand. I’d say 2010 if I had to guess. I’m the guy that wears giant headphones and presses the back button on his iPod at late hours of the night. All while pretending to be Adam Levine, Jared Letto and Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens. Why Kellin? Ok, Google the guy singing and you’ll get it. Here is where the confession comes in.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be on one of those reality singing shows. American Idol is not in the top three, but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker. I’ve always dreamed of being in the top five of any singing show and everyone is watching me. I bust out the five best songs that I have in my arsenal. OK, I know that’s how you know this is just a weird cute habits. Everyone knows that you get, maybe at best, a minute and half on stage. If you’re in the finale, you get to knock out three songs at best. Two are selected for you. It’s still my cute habits so let’s make the best of it.

[Tweet “@enqueue_russ is way more adorable than @kitty_lusby”]

Singing without your voice is hard

If you have sung a song in the car without using your voice, then you know that your jaw tends to hurt over a period of time. The irony is that you’re not actually belting out the tune on the radio. Yet your jaw still hurts. Now try singing five songs on a fake reality singing show. Late at night. In Las Vegas while it’s one hundred and twelve degrees outside. Yup. That’s me.

Deep down, I’ve always wanted to impress the one I’m with. I imagine that I’m on stage and she’s in the crowd. She’s watching me on stage, doing my thing, and loving every minute of it. And then it hit me. I’m not signing anything that could ever be on a singing show. How do I know? Because I’ve never seen Metallica, Papa Roach, Seven Channels or Three doors down on a singing show. I know that I mentioned Adam Levine and Jared Leto. You see, in my fake fantasy singing show, I’m Jared Leto on stage. I’m singing the words to songs that I actually know. That’s where Papa Roach comes in.

So my weird cute habits confessional has been about me singing in a fake version of a popular television show while I win the love of someone who already loves me. Yeah, it’s cute. Now this is where you, the readers come in. I need you to vote for me in this cute habits confession war. Kitty Lusby has also written an article about her weird cute habits. Read it here and then vote for me!

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Read my last cute confessional

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